Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We had a great weekend with Will.  We went to a birthday party at the Nature and Science Museum at Fairpark in Dallas, and the party theme was monkeys.  We talked about monkeys all morning before the party, and Will knew 3 main things about monkeys:
1.  They eat bananas.
2.  The sound they make.
3.  That on Go, Diego, Go, they always tell the Bobo Brother monkeys to "freeze!"

As a result, we took a stuffed monkey with us in the car on the way to the museum, and the whole way there, Will would tell his monkey to freeze (and he sticks his hand out like we would to tell someone to stop) and then make monkey noises.  It was awesome.  This is such a fun age!

Will loved the museum and we loved exploring Fairpark.  I have only been a few times and mainly for the State Fair.  There are lots of fun things for us to explore with Will, and it will be fun to enjoy some of these opportunities during the cold month of February where Will and Chad will have lots of one-on-one time together on the weekends.

playing with dad on the big mammoth

he loved sliding down the tusks

the two Forsberg boys

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