Katie is officially 2.5 and so I wanted to make sure I documented what she is doing now. I feel like she is changing quickly, so I don't want to forget the sweetness of 2.5.
* She loves to race. She races to her room and really anywhere. She always thinks she wins. It's perfect.
* She jokes around. She will ask you to do something and then beat you to it. She will tell up is down and down is up and then just laugh and laugh.
* She loves the color pink. She wants pink everything. She won't drink from a straw that isn't pink!
* She loves to swim underwater. She can swim 14 feet underwater when the goal for her age is 6 feet. She just loves it and only comes up because she has to!
* She is tough. She is a fighter. She wants it her way.
* She has a great fake cry that almost seems real until she squints her eyes just so.
* She knows just what to do to get her brother fired up.
* She is so proud of her big bed. She loves to show people her room.
* She is a home body. She often will tell me "I want to go home" when we are out and about - or when we are in the car for more than 10 minutes.
* She loves to snuggle. She wants to sit in my lap after her nap. She loves to be held and cuddled. I am so in love with this part of her!
* She loves her big brother. When she wakes up first from her nap (most days) she goes in his room and lays on top of him. He knows she is there but often doesn't move - he just keeps sleeping. When he wakes up before her, he misses her and asks why she didn't come in his room already.
* She is the apple of our eye.
A Soft Blue & Neutral Nursery Reveal
2 days ago