Will loves sticks. Typically you get an instant smile like this one when you hand him a stick. Now that I have a little boy, I find myself noticing sticks and looking for "good" sticks when we are on walks. There are good sticks and bad sticks. Good sticks usually have less branches and are fairly sturdy on their own. Bad sticks are usually small and more likely to be eaten. I'm not sure if Will would agree on the good vs. bad definition, but luckily he can't debate the issue with his current vocabulary of trash, trash can and Gie (Maggie).
Timeless Baby Furniture from Namesake
4 months ago
Mu-wah! That's just about the cutest face I've ever seen... he's even cute walking away! I may have to recommend your pics for my other friend's blog... she does a "photo of the day".... and you've got some cute ones!