1. Me! - What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2011?
Becoming a mom of 2!
2. I Love You
3. Still Laughing... - a moment you're still laughing about now...tell us a story.
This is the day we went to the fire station and Will got to sit on the fire trucks and turn on their lights. He was in heaven. He wouldn't take off his hat - not even to nap!
4. Winter Wonderland - a picture that reflects Winter.
5. Birthday - share a birthday picture (your own or someone you love).
6. Friends
Will's best friend Armando
Our neighbor Maddie
7. I Was Inspired... - could be a picture of your inspiration (person or thing), or inspired by...
My friend Meagan took this darling picture of Katie when she was 8 days old. It has always been a favorite. Meagan inspired me to change lenses and to use more natural light and I have been so pleased by the changes both have made in my images. Thank you Meagan!
8. Spring Fever - a picture that reflects Spring.
9. Travel or Vacation - a picture taken on vacation or on a recent travel experience...even if it was only a few miles away.
Seaside - one of my favorite pictures of the year
10. Summer Days - a picture that reflects Summer.
11. A Day In My Life - a picture of a typical day in your life.
12. All Smiles - a picture that makes you smile or of smiling faces.
I love that you can see her dimples here
13. Autumn Harvest - a picture that reflects Autumn/Fall.
14. Family or Home - a picture of your family or a picture that represents family/home for you.
15. Celebrate! - a picture that reflects a celebration.
16. Let's Do It Again... - a picture of something you'd like to do again soon.
We are hoping to make Seaside an annual trip
Grandpa John - we miss you so much! I can still feel your hugs and see your smile. You were exceptional.
18. Beautiful - a picture of someone or something you find beautiful.
19. Dress Up - this might be a picture from Halloween or not...but someone who is all dressed up!
Katie in her party dress
20. Macro - share your favorite macro or close-up image.
21. Holidays - a picture from the Holiday of your choice.
Love this picture - our Christmas card this year. (Ali Wood Photography)
22. My Favorite - share your favorite picture or memory from 2011.
taken by Angie Weedon. This is my absolute favorite image of them together!
23. Don't Ever Change - something you love about yourself, someone, or something that you never want to change.
I hope Will always has such a sweet disposition.
24. Just Because...So There! - share any picture(s) that you really want to share, but doesn't fit in any other category.
25. Hopes and Dreams - share what you hope to come or dream for 2012. Feel free to share an image of your choice.
I hope Will and Katie become great friends.
I dream of the day Will is potty trained.